OK, today's post is not about making anything fancy, just a real good massive breakfast i love to eat. What you do is get shredded hash browns and get them in a skillet, you need to make two square patties out of them. When they are nice and browned put them on a plate and sprinkle shredded cheese on them. Next start a couple pieces of bacon. Put the bacon on top of one of your hash brown squares.

Looks tasty right? But that is not enough, we have all that wonderful bacon grease in the pan, why not fry up a couple eggs and throw those on top.

MMMMM.... but wait, I still have this other hash brown square. Guess i should put that cheese side down, and turn this bad boy into a sandwich.

Top with a dash of Tabasco, and you are ready to dig in. Not exactly healthy, but what are you going to do. Stay tuned I have a challenge from one of my Radio DJ friends to make some extreme cookies for a show Thursday night, I am thinking Jagermeister.
That is one large breakfast sammy!