Well I never got the pictures of what these fish looked like before we butchered them, so I will have to post those later. Mom and Dad headed up camping along Grime Creek, near Idaho City, and Dad caught two Coho Salmon up there during their spawning season. Coho's are cool because during their spawning season their bodies physically change, normally they are silver in color, but when it comes time to reproduce, they change to a bright red color, and the males jaws and teeth become enlarged and hooked. Salt water caught Coho taste a little better because of their high fat content, fresh water caught during spawning have traveled far up river and have burned off that fat. I prepared these by steaming them with a sprig of baby dill, and a slice of lemon. Mom and Dad came over and brought some store bought Sockeye, these are the darker red fillets.
These tasted amazing, no real fishy taste to them at all. Hopefully when they go back up there next weekend Dad can catch some more, and who knows, maybe he can talk Mom into trying fishing again since no kids will be there to release her catch.
Edit: Mom Just sent me the photo

Tried to get mom to buy a fishing pole for herself so she could fish, but she wouldn't give in...guess you have to depend on dad!