Generally when you think of Sushi, most people think of raw fish. This is a common misconception, Sushi is a type of rice that is usually topped with seafood, but this just because there is an abundance of seafood in Japan, you can actually top it with any type of protein or vegetable. Contemporary Sushi was created by Hanaya Yoehi at the end of the Edo period in Edo, somewhere in the early to mid 1800's. Originally it was created as sort of a fast food, that could be eaten with out utensils by the road or in a theatre. Most Sushi has Nori paper in it, a lot of people refer to this as seaweed, but it is actually a type of algae and there is a difference, but no matter what you call it, it has a very "fishy" taste. That is where my "Mock" Sushi comes in. I took Cucumbers and sliced them, then cut the center out. Then i stuffed them with a Salmon Spread. I ran out of Sushi Rice so I did not put that in my Salmon, but next time I will, so it will be a true Sushi Roll that I don't have to roll. Plate it like regular Sushi with a some Sriracha and Wasabi Paste if you want some heat. For the Salmon Spread you need:
2-6oz. cans Boneless/Skinless Salmon
1-8oz. pkg Cream Cheese
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Tsp Salt
1 Tbs. Pepper
1 Tbs. Paprika
Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl until smooth. This can be used as a spread for crackers or a filling like I did tonight.
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